About Me

My name is Stacy French. I live in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I currently drive a school bus and before that I was an adjunct instructor for KCTCS. I wanted to be faculty, but due to not having a Masters, I did not qualify. Which brings me here.

I have been in the IT field for over 30 years. When I first started in the IT field, there was no email, per say. If there was email, it wasn’t as common as it is today and you had to pay for it. And it was very expensive.

My hobbies are, well, IT related. I like spending my days looking for new things to learn. I browse YouTube for video tutorials and watch them for hours just to learn something new. And no, not all video tutorials are created equal. There are a lot of them are are a waste of time and you have to be mindful of this.

Click on me for an intro video

I also love baseball. I am a Cards fan.

I have a Master of Science in Technology Education. I have a Master of Science in Instructional Design. I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Technology. In addition, I have an Associate of Arts, an Associate of Science and 2 Associate of Applied Science.

Click on me to view video created with Web 2.0 Tool ANIMOTO

Click on me to find links to lots of Web 2.0 tools


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  1. Hi, Stacy! Nice to meet you! I am in LME 535 this semester as well. I wish you the best of luck earning your degree and getting back into the classroom! I am a teacher for 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and enjoy it very well, but hope to someday get a job as a school librarian. Good luck this semester with your courses!

    • Genny L VanMeter on June 18, 2018 at 4:23 am
    • Reply

    Hello! I am a fourth grade teacher. I love how you are turning your passion into your career. That is what I did and I firmly believe if you love your job, you never work a day in your life. I am working on my LME degree to merge my love of teaching with my love of reading and become a librarian.

  2. Hey Stacy! YouTube is the best for learning new things. My dad’s tractor had recently quit working and we were able to find the fix for it on YouTube. Very cool. My dad was ecstatic because it cost nothing.
    It seems that if you are not continually learning then you will be behind everyone else in this day and time. The Cards are a fun team to watch and probably a close second for me but I’m a Nats fan. 🙂

  3. Nice to meet you, Stacy. I enjoyed reading about your background in IT. As an undergraduate student at WKU, I had the opportunity to work as a student consultant in the IT department. It was a fun experience and had great people to work with. There are definitely a lot of learning opportunities in the field. I am also a baseball fan, and my wife and I are hoping to visit every MLB ballpark at least once. We visited Busch Stadium last summer on a trip and it’s a great atmosphere. The Ballpark Village was a very cool addition. Good luck with the class!

  4. Hello Stacy,
    I really like how you have pictures that appear for when you rotate through your posts at the top of the page. I am still trying to figure out how to use this website for my blog! Your bits of education and nostalgia tab adds a connected touch that viewers can see and feel as though they can rely on the resources that you post throughout your website. I enjoy your website Stacy!
    -Max Valentine

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Blog 4: Technology Integration

Technology Integration also happens to be a favorite topic of mine. Of course, in my line of instructing, it is less difficult to integrate technology into the class room environment. I have taught, and plan to teach again, Intro to Computers. Therefore, Technology Integration goes without saying. Without technology integration, there wouldn’t be a course …

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Blog 3: Student Engagement

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Blog 2: Cognitive Complexity

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Blog 1: Real World Learning

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