Blog 4: Technology Integration

Technology Integration also happens to be a favorite topic of mine. Of course, in my line of instructing, it is less difficult to integrate technology into the class room environment. I have taught, and plan to teach again, Intro to Computers. Therefore, Technology Integration goes without saying. Without technology integration, there wouldn’t be a course to teach. It goes without saying.

Technology integration is paramount to learning, especially in todays class room setting. Although, I would ban all student personal devices in the class room, if it were up to me. It is difficult as it is to keep their attention without needing to compete with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  So, ban them from being used in class. They aren’t needed.

Mosts schools now have a computer, or ChromeBook, in every classroom. Although I do not consider a ChromeBook an actual computer, per say, it is good enough, I guess. I say this from more of an IT perspective.

Now back to integration. Technology has made dramatic leaps over the last 10 years, 5 years even, and those advancements have been mostly good. Office for instance has changed drastically since Office 2003. Even to the point of document format change. It use to be that all Office suites were compatible with each other. An Office 2010 could open an Office 2003 document and vice versa, but since 2013, this has not been the case. 2003 – 2010 are vice versa but since 2013 it isn’t vice versa. 2013-1019 will open 2003 – 2019 documents, but 2003 2010 will only open 2003 – 2010. It is what it is, I guess. I know why this happened, but that is for another time.

Technology integration has become an integral part of the learning experience. It has to be. Even non-traditional students are needing this integration. More and more companies are sending their employees back to school to get educated in using technology in the work place.

More and more students are needing to be able to use not just Word. but Excel and Access. And, it is not as difficult to provide the integration as it may have once been.

Most classroom have computers. okay, that is step one of the integration. Step 2 is introduce them to the computers. Step 3 is teaching them to log in. Step 4 is helping them get familiar with the different tools they may use on a daily basis such as email, searching the internet, using Office. And no, MsPaint is not a tool of daily use. Allow the students to integrate at their own pace, especially those that are new to technology.

Bring in props or other illustrations. such as a non working computer and let them get to know the inside of the PC. Disassemble a computer in front of the class and let them put it back together, under your supervision.

There are numerous ways to integrate technology into the class room setting. Use your imagination and the the creativity flow.

Below is an interactive video regarding the empowerment of student learners. I like this video very much because it shares by feeling about standardized testing. This video describes how technology is making standardized testing obsolete. On a personal note, standardized testing was always obsolete, in my opinion. 

Empowered Learners Through Technology

This second interactive video is about how a certain engineering company is helping the military solve problems and also solving problems after natural disasters.

Problem Solving Technology

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