Category: Uncategorized

Blog 4: Technology Integration

Technology Integration also happens to be a favorite topic of mine. Of course, in my line of instructing, it is less difficult to integrate technology into the class room environment. I have taught, and plan to teach again, Intro to Computers. Therefore, Technology Integration goes without saying. Without technology integration, there wouldn’t be a course …

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Blog 3: Student Engagement

I could discuss this topic for hours on end. But I will try not to; No promises. Before I begin, let me get this first thought off my chest; why are these speakers so boring? Oh my goodness, I am getting drowsy just watching. The content is not the issue, the delivery is. This is …

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Blog 2: Cognitive Complexity

Prenskys brain gain seems to me to be allowing the students to learn by way of technology only. To listen to the students and to think with an UP/Down mentality dealing with the students. He says we should future-cate, not pastu-cate. I did enjoy the video and he had some very good points, but I …

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Blog 1: Real World Learning

Being an adamant proponent of Real World Learning, to borrow a baseball term, this subject is in my wheelhouse. As I stated on my About Me page, I have been in the IT field for over 25 years. However, my first taste of the field wasn’t exactly IT related. Although it was technology related, in …

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Create Framework Blogs

I am new to this whole blogging thing. And I have a lot of questions, well, some questions about blogging. I have written 3 blogs so far. I published the 1st one already. It was rather long. Not to be outdone by Blog 1, Blog 2 is longer and Blog 3 is even longer. I …

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