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UberGeeks4U Technology Center

Advocacy Plan

Advocacy Plan Technology is Your Friend My advocacy plan is to provide technology and support for the entire area. This plan, in a nutshell will be to provide access to as much technology to anyone in the community that so desires to learn. Technology is our friend. Technology can be your best friend. How, you …

Budget and Program Evaluation

Diversity Purchasing Project

Facilities Evaluation with emphasis on accessibility for all

Facilities Evaluation This technology center is accessible to all patrons. For our wheel chair patrons we have ramps at both entrances and exits. We also have workstations that are wheel chair accessible. The Facilities Evaluation Plan represents a structured and disciplined approach. The Plan is built around three objectives: Accommodating the needs of employees Accommodating …

Policies and Procedures

Policies & Procedures Dress Code: Dress Code policy is subject to change without notice Dress appropriately in all areas of the center. No flipflops allowed No sandals with socks Shoes are to be worn at all times No shoes, no shirt, no access Shorts worn must be no more than 2 inches above the knee …

Vision, Mission and Goals toward Strategic Planning

In the early 90’s Packard Bell decided that they were going to put a computer in every home. This didn’t work and was a failed strategy and they eventually went bankrupt. In the mid-nineties Gateway was in the height of their time and attempted the same thing and claimed they were going to put a …