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Facilities Evaluation with emphasis on accessibility for all

Facilities Evaluation

This technology center is accessible to all patrons. For our wheel chair patrons we have ramps at both entrances and exits. We also have workstations that are wheel chair accessible.

The Facilities Evaluation Plan represents a structured and disciplined approach.

The Plan is built around three objectives:

  • Accommodating the needs of employees
  • Accommodating the needs of our patrons
  • Improving Building Accessibility

And three approaches:

  • Identifying and assessing accessibility challenges
  • Developing an accessibility decision-making framework
  • Funding and resourcing the objectives of the plan


Accommodating the Needs of Employees

We will begin with the practice of responding to employees requiring physical accommodations in the work environment. From the parking lot to the work station, we will makes it a priority to modify the physical environment to enable the conduct of all employees’ work. Examples of workplace considerations include:

Accessible Route:

  • Corridor width and wheelchair passing and turning spaces
  • Clear Doorway widths
  • Compliant door hardware (levers and door closers)
  • Vertical Transportation
  • Handrails and guardrails
  • Non-protruding objects
  • Signage, detectible warnings, audible and visual alarms

Accessible Use of Space:

  • Wheelchair spaces in the work environment
  • Office layout and workstation configuration
  • Table and seating heights
  • Accessible kitchen/kitchenettes

Accommodating the needs of our patrons

The needs of our employees is only the first step in our accommodations. We will also be providing for the needs of our patrons. Although we will attempt to try and provide for every need, these attempts will only apply once out patrons arrive on site, such as the parking lot or the front or rear doors. It is the responsibility of our patrons to provide their own transportation to and from the site. Once on site, our accommodations will be enforced.

Accessible Route:

  • Corridor width and wheelchair passing and turning spaces
  • Clear Doorway widths
  • Compliant door hardware (levers and door closers)
  • Vertical Transportation
  • Handrails and guardrails
  • Non-protruding objects
  • Signage, detectible warnings, audible and visual alarms

Accessible Use of Space:

  • Wheelchair spaces in the work environment
  • Office layout and workstation configuration
  • Table and seating heights
  • Accessible kitchen/kitchenettes

In Conclusion:

Facilities Evaluation Plan includes:

  • Developing a system for the identification of employee needs for physical

accommodations in the workplace

  • Developing a system for the identification of patrons needs for physical


  • Ensuring design compliance with ADA Accessibility Guidelines
  • Implementing a process to ensure installations are fully compliant

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