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The Future of the 1st Amendment

The Future of the 1st Amendment.

I am and will always be an advocate for the 1st and 2nd Amendment. But since this discussion in only about the 1st Amendment, I will only discuss 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment has been a hot topic over the last few years, especially since the 2016 election. And for the record, hate speech is free speech. I do not have to agree with everything everyone says, but I do not have to listen to it either. That doesn’t give me the right to be violent or fight someone just because I do not agree with them. I do have the right to just walk away and not listen. Any citizen has the right to say what they want. I have the right not to listen to them or change the channel or not go see their movies. Actors that use their soap box to spout all kinds of political nonsense, as is their right. Whether it be their views on gun rights, speech rights, etc. I have the right not to support them by not paying to see their movies or watching their television shows, which is what I choose to do. You see it every day. Mobs of people rioting because they don’t like what a particular person has to say. This is rubbish. Colleges banning certain people from speaking because that person has a different point of view. This is also rubbish. Colleges are supposed to be a place to learn new ideas and debate the issues. College is not a place to hide from the real world because you are afraid to get your felling hurt. The 1st Amendment needs to stay right where it is. With the social climate the way it is today, I have found myself asking this question, “Are we on the verge of another Civil War?” Two years ago I would have thought that was insane. I do not feel that way anymore. I do believe that we are on the verge. I do not want it to happen, but something has to give, or else something is going to break. We cannot go on as a society with the constant hate and vitriol that is happening on a daily basis. The 1st Amendment is for all citizens of this beautiful United States of America. We are the most free and prosperous country in the world. We are free and prosperous because of it was designed that way. Sure we have our problems, but we are also the most generous people in the world. But in order for us to remain free, we need to maintain our rights as citizens. But be for warned, try and take away the 1st Amendment and you will get the real meaning of the 2nd Amendment.