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Technology Projects

Since my emphasis is Technology Education, I will endeavor to show how I intend to create a fun and educational way to help students to learn technology in an exciting and creative manner. There are various ways that this can be done, some easy, and some difficult. It is my desire for the students to be able to pick this up more easily than I did.

Since technology has advanced exponentially since in the last 25 years, I will not be covering every aspect of the IT field. I will be covering how much it has changed over the last decade.

As a matter of historical significance, in 2005, I was a student at KCTCS and one class that I had was CIT 105(Introduction to computers). We spent 2 weeks covering the basics; mouse, keyboard, pc, printer, etc. The remaining 14 weeks was spend covering Office programs; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Ten years later, as an adjunct, I was teaching the same class at KCTCS. But this time, we spent 8 weeks covering the many aspects of computers; PC, tablets, smart phones, etc. and the last 8 weeks on Office programs.

When I took the course, more than a decade ago, the were no smart devices and everyone was still using flip phones and bar phones. Can anyone tell me the difference between a flip and a bar phone? What is a memory card? And what sizes were available in 2005?

Technology changes and it changes rapidly. I will be posting videos on various topics. Feel free to comment on any of them.

A brief history of the Hard Drive!!!

TS-3 Blogging Website Assignment

The following was created at and is a 1:00 video slideshow on the history of the PC:

My Real World Topic is Analog vs. Digital. How do we know where technology is going unless we know where it has been?

Kizoa Movie – Video – History of the PC

TS-6 Web 2.0 Productivity Module

History of the PC

The Following was created at and is a mixture of old and new technologies with videos and brief narrations of several images:

Analog Vs. Digital

Please take my survey below. This is a survey on the subject of Real World Learning. The survey consists of 10 questions and there are no wrong answers:

Real World Learning Survey

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